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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
9:27 PM

Today we had a concert for our principal.And yipeee!!!Im in P5 already.Our principals cried and our principal sang a song for us.Our other principal which is the vp is transferring scool to MacPherson Primary.So Sad.


Sunday, November 11, 2007
6:05 AM

hello everyone,

it is already at night.so sleepy.just using com for a while you know.jalan raya and blah blah,
bye.gotta go,
(the click five's no 1 fan)

Friday, November 9, 2007
7:55 PM

now i just started a blog.hope you guys like it. anyway,im gonna tell more about me k.my favourite song is jenny by my favourite band,you know it the click five lah.the leader looks so cool.I wish i look like him espacialy his hair.it rocks man.it's my first time having a blog.my sis always go to her blog and posts so i wanna try it out you know.not so stable with it now as you know it's my first time.my sis helped me with the cbox,the background and the song.i love my log so much as it is something to me lah.i also like yours also lah but you know some people are just in love with theirs right.who agrees please tag and say i tottaly agree.im not discouraging the others but please,please,please tag me i buat susah susah tau.

The Click Five biggest Fan,


Introductions. Sweet, short, simple. Forget about the thesis statements here. It's freedom of EXPRESSION!

001. more links
002. profile
003. wishlist
004. blog


Your tagboard goes here.
Try www.CBOX.ws? Anyway, width<192.

kakak abidah kakak sheiffa kakak ameerah kakak aisya
bestcousin:)suffyan abang anis Link Link
Link Link Link Link

> November 2007

[google] [dafont] [romancebox] [missjuicy-]
x-I know you do not want to remove the credits because you do not want to get into trouble. How smart of you to think that! :]

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